ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Laotian folk religion

Laotian folk religion is like a big family of beliefs and customs that people in Laos follow. It's like a way of life for them that has been passed down for many generations.

They believe in many spirits and deities that have control over different things like the weather, the harvest, the rivers, the animals, and even the afterlife. These spirits and deities are often depicted in statues and shrines that people offer food, drink, and incense to.

There are also many rituals and ceremonies that people perform to appease the spirits and seek their blessings. For example, during the dry season, people may conduct a Baci ceremony to call back the wandering spirit of an individual back to their body.

Laotian folk religion is very important to the people of Laos as it is a way for them to find meaning in life and connect with their ancestors and the natural world around them.