ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Lapsi (Christianity)

Alright kiddo, you know how in church we sing songs and listen to stories about Jesus and his friends? Well, long ago there were some special people called apostles who were friends with Jesus and they went around telling others about him.

One of these apostles was named Paul and he wrote letters to some of the churches he visited, including one in a place called Galatia. In this letter, he talked about how everyone can have a relationship with God, even if they aren't Jewish.

But there were some people who thought that you still had to follow all of the Jewish rules and traditions to be close to God. Paul didn't agree with them and he used the word "lapsi" to describe those who thought this way.

Lapsi means "little ones" in Latin, and Paul used it to show that he believed these people weren't mature yet in their understanding of God's love and grace. He wanted to show them that they didn't need to follow all of the Jewish customs and rules to be loved by God.

So, lapsi is really just a term used to describe people who were still learning and growing in their faith at the time of the early Christian church. It reminds us to keep growing and learning in our own faith, too!