ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Laser ultrasonics

Laser ultrasonics is a fancy way of using a special type of light called a laser to make very high-pitched sounds that are too high for us to hear.

We use this kind of technology to find out what things are made of and how they're put together. You know how when you knock on different things, like a wooden table or a metal chair, they all make different sounds? The same thing happens when we use the laser to send sound waves through things like metal, plastic, or even living tissue.

The laser sends these sound waves really fast through the material, and then we listen to what bounces back. Just like when you shout and hear echoes, we can hear echoes of these high-pitched sounds and use them to create a picture in our minds of what's inside the thing we're testing.

This can help us find tiny cracks or weak spots in materials like aircraft parts, or even let us see how cells are working inside a living person's body. So even though we can't hear these sounds, they are incredibly useful for scientists and engineers to help them make our world a safer and better place.