ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Late Ottoman genocides

When some people are mean to other people just because they are different from them, it is called bullying. In the past, there was a big bully called the Ottoman Empire. They were very powerful and controlled a lot of different countries and people. But instead of being nice to everyone, they were mean to some people who were different from them.

One group they bullied were the Armenians. They were a group of people who lived in the Ottoman Empire and had different beliefs and culture than the Ottoman rulers. The Ottoman Empire didn't like this and started to treat the Armenians very badly. They would take away their homes, their belongings, and sometimes even their lives, just because they were different from the Ottoman rulers.

This very mean behavior is called genocide. It means when one group tries to completely destroy another group. The Ottoman Empire committed genocide against the Armenians, which is why it is sometimes called the Armenian Genocide. Thousands of Armenians were killed or forced to leave their homes and live in other places. This was a very sad and terrible time in history when some people were treated very badly just because of who they were.