ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Latin American cuisine

Latin American cuisine is all the delicious food that people in Latin America eat. There are many different countries in Latin America, so there are many types of food.

For example, in Mexico they eat things like tacos, burritos, and enchiladas. These are made with things like spicy meat, beans, cheese, and vegetables, and are often served with chips and salsa on the side. In Brazil, they eat things like feijoada, which is a stew made with black beans and lots of different types of meat.

In many Latin American countries, people eat a lot of rice and beans, which are a staple food that can be eaten with many different dishes. Other common ingredients in Latin American cuisine include things like corn, avocado, plantains, and chili peppers.

Many Latin American dishes are also influenced by European and African cuisines, because of the history of colonization and slavery in the region. For example, in Argentina, they eat a lot of meat dishes that are similar to those in Europe, but with a Latin American twist.

Overall, Latin American cuisine is known for being tasty, flavorful, and often spicy. It's a great way to explore the culture and traditions of different countries in the region!