ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Latin American poetry

So you know how sometimes we like to make up stories and rhymes and sing songs, right? Well, people in Latin America also like to do that! But instead of making up stories about anything, they like to write about things that are important to them and their culture.

They do this in a special way called poetry. Poetry is when you use words to make something sound beautiful, like a song or a poem. In Latin America, poets often write about things like nature, love, freedom, and their history and beliefs.

One big thing about Latin American poetry is that it often talks about social issues like inequality, poverty, and political problems. Poets can use their words to help people understand these important things and try to make a difference or inspire change.

Some famous Latin American poets you might hear about include Pablo Neruda from Chile, Octavio Paz from Mexico, and Gabriela Mistral from Chile. They all wrote beautiful words that we can still read and enjoy today!