ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Latin script in Unicode

Okay kiddo, so you know how we write letters and words in English, right? It's called the Latin script, and it's not just used in English, but in many other languages too, like Spanish, French, and German.

Now, imagine that we want to write these letters and words on the computer, using different fonts and styles. But computers are very "dumb" and they don't know how to recognize all the different characters and letters from all the different languages.

That's where Unicode comes in! It's like a special language that the computer can understand, and it includes all the different characters and symbols from all the languages in the world.

So when we want to use the Latin script on the computer, we use the special codes and symbols from Unicode to represent each letter and character. These codes are like secret messages that tell the computer which letter or symbol to display.

For example, the letter "A" has a special code in Unicode that tells the computer to display the letter "A" in whatever font and style we choose. And if we want to write a letter with an accent, like the letter "é" in French or Spanish, we use a special code that combines the regular "e" with the accent symbol.

So thanks to Unicode, we can write in any language using the Latin script, and computers all around the world can understand and display it correctly. Cool, huh?