ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Lavau Grave

Lavau grave is a special place where people buried someone very important a long, long time ago. This place is named after a man named Lavau who found it many years later.

Now, imagine you're playing in your backyard and you find something really cool like a treasure chest! Well, Lavau found something like that too! Except, instead of a treasure chest, he found a big hole in the ground where people had buried someone special a really long time ago.

The person who was buried in this hole was very important to the people who lived a long time ago. They were so important that they were given lots of special things to take with them to the afterlife. These things are called "treasures".

There were lots of treasures found in the Lavau grave like a really big bowl to eat from, a shiny gold-plated chariot that someone can ride in, and lots of beautiful jewelry made of gold, silver, and precious stones.

These treasures are important to people who study history because they tell us more about what the people who lived a long time ago valued and what they believed in. It's like putting together a puzzle of clues to help us understand what happened in the past.