ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Law of Jante

The Law of Jante is like a set of rules or guidelines that some people in certain countries like Denmark, Norway and other Scandinavian countries follow. It's like a way of thinking or behaving that focuses on humility, modesty and not standing out too much from others.

It's like when you're playing a game with your friends or siblings and you don't want to be a sore winner or show off too much because it might hurt other people's feelings. The Law of Jante is kind of like that, but for all aspects of life.

For example, one rule of the Law of Jante is "You're not better than anyone else." That means you don't think you're superior or more important than other people. Another rule is "You're not to think anyone cares about you." This means you don't assume that people are interested in your life or problems.

Basically, the Law of Jante is about being humble, respecting others and not drawing attention to oneself in a way that might make others feel bad. It's a way of life that values equality and community over individualism and competition.