ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Laws (dialogue)

Laws are like rules that everyone has to follow to make sure people are safe and happy. Just like how you have rules at home, like “no hitting your sister” and “clean up your toys before bedtime,” laws are rules that everyone in a community or country have to follow.

For example, there is a law that says you have to wear a seatbelt when you are in a car. This is to make sure that you are safe and don’t get hurt if there is an accident. There is also a law that says you have to stop at a red traffic light, so you don’t get hit by another car or hurt someone else.

Laws are made by adults who are in charge of the community or country. They make laws to help keep everyone safe and happy. When someone breaks a law, they might get into trouble with the police or go to court. This is like when you get into trouble with your parents if you break one of their rules at home.

Overall, laws are very important because they help keep people safe and happy by making sure everyone follows the same rules.