ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Laws and customs of the Land of Israel in Judaism

Well, sweetie, you know how every home has its own rules? It's like that in Israel too. Long, long ago, when the Jewish people first lived in Israel, their leader, Moses, received special rules from God to follow. These rules are called commandments, and there were 613 of them.

The commandments covered everything from what to eat to how to pray. They were a bit like a big book of instructions for how to live a good and holy life. Some of the rules were easy to follow, like loving your neighbor, and some were tough, like not eating certain things.

Over time, more rules were added by other Jewish scholars, and it all became a big part of Jewish tradition. These rules and traditions are called "halakhah," and they help Jewish people to live a good and fulfilling life, while also respecting others and being kind to one another.

So, in Israel today, everyone who follows Judaism tries their best to follow these rules and customs, which have been passed down from generation to generation. This helps Jewish communities to stick together, and to live in peace and harmony with one another.

And that's the story of the laws and customs of the land of Israel in Judaism, my darling!