ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Lazy argument

Imagine you have a toy box with a lot of toys inside. Whenever you want to play with something, you have to take everything out of the toy box to find the toy you want. This can be a lot of work and take a long time.

Now, imagine you had a magic toy box that only brings the toy you want to play with to the top, without you having to take everything out. This is called a lazy toy box because it saves you a lot of time and effort.

A lazy argument works the same way. Instead of taking the time to research and think about all sides of a topic, someone might make a lazy argument by only considering one side or using weak evidence. This is similar to only playing with one toy in the toy box instead of taking the time to find the right one.

Lazy arguments may not be as accurate or thoughtful as a well-thought-out argument, just like only playing with one toy may not be as fun or interesting as finding the perfect toy. Therefore, it's important to put effort and thought into arguments to ensure the best possible outcome.