ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Le Pétomane

Okay kiddo, so have you ever heard of someone who was really good at making fart noises? Well, le pétomane was a real person from a long time ago who was famous for making fart noises with his butt.

You might be thinking, "why would anyone want to listen to fart noises?" Well, le pétomane was a talented performer who turned fart noises into an art form that people paid money to see. He would perform on stages in front of large audiences, and people would laugh and cheer as he made all sorts of silly sounds with his rear end.

But le pétomane wasn't just making random fart noises. He was so skilled at controlling the muscles in his butt that he could create different tones and rhythms, like a musician playing an instrument. He even had a special contraption that he would use to amplify the sounds of his farts, making them even louder and more impressive.

So even though it might sound silly to us, le pétomane was actually a really talented performer who was able to turn a bodily function into something entertaining and fun for people to watch.