ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

League for Catholic Counter-Reformation

So, a long time ago in history, there were some people who were not happy with the way that the Catholic Church was doing things. They thought that the Church was not sticking to the true teachings of God and that it needed to change. This was called the Protestant Reformation.

The Catholic Church didn't like this very much and they wanted to fight back. They wanted to show the world that they were still the right way to worship God. So, they formed a group called the League for Catholic Counter-Reformation.

The League was made up of powerful people who believed in the Catholic Church and wanted to help it get stronger. They did things like set up schools to teach people about the faith, they worked to make sure that people stayed loyal to the Church, and they tried to stop Protestants from spreading their ideas.

It was like they were trying to build a big fortress around the Catholic Church, to keep it safe from the ideas of the Protestants. They wanted to make sure everyone stayed inside the fortress and didn't leave.

Overall, the League for Catholic Counter-Reformation was a way for the Catholic Church to fight back against the Protestant Reformation and to make sure that the Church stayed strong and powerful.