ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Leblouh is a very old and very sad practice that was once done in some parts of the world. Basically, it's when someone forces another person to eat a lot of food even if they don't want to or if it hurts them. This is usually done to girls because in some places, people think that being big is pretty and means that you are rich or important.

So, girls would be forced to eat a lot of food, even if they didn't like it or if they were already full. Sometimes, they would even be beaten or punished if they didn't eat enough. This made them very upset and uncomfortable, and it was not healthy for their bodies at all. In fact, it would make them very sick.

Thankfully, many people now know that this is a very bad thing to do and it's becoming less and less common in the world. It's important to remember that everyone is different and no one should ever be forced to change their body or eat things they don't want to. We should love and accept each other just the way we are.
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