ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Lee v. PMSI, Inc.

Okay, so let me explain "Lee v. PMSI, Inc." to you like you're five.

Lee and PMSI, Inc. got into a fight. Lee said that PMSI didn't pay him the right amount of money for the work he did. PMSI said that they paid him everything he was owed.

Lee thought he was right, and he decided to sue PMSI. That means he took them to court to try to get them to give him more money.

When you sue someone, it's like telling the teacher that someone is not playing fair. The teacher in this case is the court.

The court heard both Lee and PMSI's arguments and looked at all the facts. They decided that PMSI had actually given Lee the right amount of money.

So in the end, Lee didn't get any more money from PMSI. It's like when you think someone took your toy, but then the teacher finds out that you actually forgot it at home.

That's what "Lee v. PMSI, Inc." is all about.