ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Leela Chess Zero

Okay kiddo, imagine playing chess against your friend. You both know the rules and try to make the best moves to win the game. Now imagine playing against a computer that also knows all the rules and can make really smart moves too. That's what Leela Chess Zero is - it's a computer program that can play chess!

But Leela Chess Zero isn't just any old computer program. It's what we call an artificial intelligence, or AI for short. This means that it can teach itself how to play chess without any help from humans. How cool is that?

So basically, Leela Chess Zero was created by a bunch of really smart people who gave it all the rules of chess and let it play against itself millions of times. Each time it played, it learned from its mistakes and got better and better at playing chess. It's like you practicing your soccer skills and getting better every time you play.

Now, Leela Chess Zero isn't just for fun. It's being used by scientists to help them understand more about how computers learn and think. And who knows, maybe one day we'll have computers as smart as Leela Chess Zero that can help us solve lots of problems!