ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Legal professional privilege (England & Wales)

Legal professional privilege is like a secret hiding place for lawyers to keep things private. It means anything you tell your lawyer or they write down for you is kept secret and can't be shared with anyone else, unless you say it's okay.

For example, if you tell your lawyer that you broke your neighbour's window on purpose, they can't tell anyone else, like the police or your neighbour, unless you give them permission to share that information.

Legal professional privilege is important because it allows you to be open and honest with your lawyer without worrying that what you say could get you in trouble. This means you can get the best and most accurate advice from your lawyer, which is necessary to help you win your case.

However, there are some exceptions to this privilege. If your lawyer thinks you might harm someone, they have a duty to tell the police, even if you don't want them to. Additionally, if there are court orders or legal rules that say your lawyer has to share information, they can't hide it under legal professional privilege.

Overall, legal professional privilege is a special rule that allows you to share secrets with your lawyer and get the best help possible, but there are some situations where it might not apply.