Legionnaire's disease is a sickness that you can get from breathing in tiny germs called bacteria. These bacteria live in water and can sometimes get into the air when water is sprayed, like from a shower or an air conditioner. When you breathe in these germs, they can make you very sick.
Legionnaire's disease can feel like having a really bad cold or the flu. You might have a fever, a cough, and feel achy all over. Some people might also have trouble breathing or feel like they are too tired to do anything.
Luckily, there is a treatment for Legionnaire's disease! Your doctor can give you medicine that can help you start feeling better. But it's important to remember that it's much better to prevent the disease from happening in the first place. That's why it's important to make sure the water in swimming pools, hot tubs, and even the water in air conditioners and fountains is always clean and doesn't have any dangerous germs in it.