ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Leipzig Human Rights Award

So, the Leipzig Human Rights Award is like a super special trophy that is given to people who do really great things to protect human rights. You know how we all have special rules that make sure everyone is treated fairly and nicely? These rules are called human rights.

Now, there are some people in the world who work really hard to make sure that these rights are respected and that nobody tries to take them away from people. These people are like superheroes who fight for fairness and justice, and they make the world a better place.

And when these amazing people do something really, really amazing to protect human rights, they get the Leipzig Human Rights Award. This is kind of like a gold star or a trophy, but even cooler because it shows that they are doing something really important to help make the world a better place.

So, the Leipzig Human Rights Award is a way to recognize and celebrate the superhero-like people who are working really hard to protect human rights and make the world a better place for all of us!