ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Length function

Hey there little buddy! Do you know what a length is? It's like how big something is, kind of like how tall you are or how long your toy car is.

In computer science, we use a length function to find out how many things are in a list or a string. Think of a list like your toy box, and each toy is an item in the list. The length function tells you how many toys are in the box!

For example, let's say you have a list of fruits, and you want to know how many are in the list. You can use the length function to count them up for you! So if there are 3 apples, 2 bananas, and 1 orange in the list, the length function will tell you that there are 6 fruits in total.

Pretty cool, huh? The length function is super helpful when you need to know how many things are in a list or string.