ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Leonid Grinin

Okay, imagine there's a person named Leonid Grinin. He's a smarty-pants who knows a lot of stuff about history and how our world works. He's like a teacher who teaches grown-ups about things that happened in the past and how they might affect us now.

Leonid Grinin has studied many things, like how different countries and cultures have changed over time, and how technology has made life easier for us. He looks at lots of different sources, like old books, documents, and artifacts, to help him understand what happened back then.

When Leonid Grinin talks about history, he likes to look at the big picture. He wants to know what made things in the past happen the way they did, and how people reacted to those events. He also tries to predict what might happen in the future based on what we've learned from the past.

So, in short, Leonid Grinin is a really smart and knowledgeable person who knows a lot about history and tries to help other grown-ups understand it better.