ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Leucothoe (daughter of Orchamus)

Leucothoe was a lady from a very long time ago in Greek mythology. She was the daughter of a man named Orchamus.

Leucothoe liked to spend time by herself in the forest, enjoying the trees and the birds. One day, she caught the eye of a man named Apollo, who was the god of the sun and many other things. Apollo was so taken with Leucothoe that he started to fall in love with her.

But there was a problem: Leucothoe's dad was pretty protective of her, and he didn't like the idea of his daughter hanging out with a god. So Apollo had to be sneaky about it. He disguised himself as a human and started talking to Leucothoe.

Leucothoe didn't know that it was really Apollo, but she really liked the human guy that was hanging around. Apollo started to reveal his true feelings to her, and she began to fall in love with him too.

One day, Orchamus found out what was going on. He was angry and he forbid Apollo from seeing Leucothoe ever again. Apollo was really upset about this, but he knew that he couldn't go against Orchamus's wishes.

Leucothoe was heartbroken too. She was so in love with Apollo that she couldn't imagine life without him. She started to get sick and she stopped eating. She just didn't have the will to go on without Apollo by her side.

Then one day, Leucothoe just passed away. Apollo was devastated. He was so sad that he knew he had to do something to honor her memory. So he turned her into a beautiful flowering plant and named it after her. The plant was called Leucothoe, and it still grows today in many parts of the world.