ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Leviticus 8

Ok kiddo, so in Leviticus 8, God tells a man named Moses how to make his brother Aaron the high priest. Aaron is kind of like a special leader for the people of Israel, and he has some important jobs to do, like talking to God and asking for forgiveness for the people's mistakes.

So Moses follows God's instructions and gets all the things that they need for the ceremony. They wash Aaron and his sons with water and put special clothing on them. Then they put oil on their heads as a way of showing that they were chosen by God for a special job.

After that, they bring some animals, like a bull and a ram, and they sacrifice them as a way of showing that they were sorry for their mistakes and as a way of asking God to forgive them. Then they put some of the blood of the animals on Aaron's ear, his thumb, and his big toe to show that he was being made clean.

Finally, they put some of the oil on the altar and on Aaron's clothes to show that they were holy and set apart for God's work. And just like that, Aaron became the high priest and was able to do his important job of talking to God and helping the people of Israel.