ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Li Hong (Taoist eschatology)

Okay kiddo, let's talk about Li Hong in Taoist eschatology! Taoism is a religion and philosophy from China that teaches people how to live in harmony with nature and the universe. In Taoist beliefs, Li Hong refers to a concept related to the end of the world and ultimate salvation.

Let's imagine you are playing with a toy car, and you know that eventually, it will run out of battery and stop working. In the same way, Taoists believe that the universe has a cycle and that there will be a time when it comes to an end. This event is called Kui, and it marks the beginning of a new cycle.

When this happens, there will be an evaluation of everything that happened in the previous cycle, including people's actions and deeds. If you were good and followed the Taoist teachings, you will have a chance to be saved and gain eternal life. This saved state is called Li Hong, and it means the fusion of the Dao (Tao) with the body, mind, and spirit of the person.

In simpler terms, imagine you are baking a cake, and you want it to turn out perfect. You need to measure all the ingredients precisely and follow the recipe. If you do it correctly, you will have a delicious cake. In the same way, Taoists think that if you live your life according to the teachings of the Tao, you will have a chance to be saved when the end of the world comes.

So, Li Hong is an essential concept in Taoism that represents the possibility of salvation for people who followed the Tao. Just like the cake, you need to follow the recipe - in this case, the Taoist teachings - to have a chance to achieve Li Hong and be saved during the end of the world.