ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Liberal feminism

Liberal feminism is a way of thinking that is all about treating women and men equally. It's like being fair at recess or when you share your toys. It means that girls and boys, women and men should have the same chances to do whatever they want, like going to school, getting a job, and having good opportunities no matter their gender.

Liberal feminism is called "liberal" because it believes in individual freedom and protecting people's rights. This means that if you're a girl who loves playing soccer, you should be able to join the team and not be stopped because you're a girl. It also means that women should have the same rights as men to vote, own property, have their own money and make choices about their bodies.

Liberal feminists believe that women should be able to change the laws and rules that make it harder for them to do the things they want, like get a good education, have a good job, and live a happy life. It's like doing homework; if there is something you don't understand, you ask your teacher to help you, and she explains what to do better. Liberal feminism says that the same thing should happen in society. If there are rules and laws that make it harder for girls to do things, there should be changes made so that things can become easier for them.

In general, liberal feminism is like being kind to everyone and treating them fairly. It's about making sure that girls and boys, women and men all have the chance to live the life they want, and not be held back because of their gender.
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