ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Liberty (pressure group)

Liberty is a group of people who want to make sure that everyone has freedom and that the government doesn't take away our rights.

Imagine you and your friend are playing a game and you both agree on the rules. But then someone else comes in and tries to change the rules in their favor, not giving you or your friend a chance to play the way you want to. You wouldn't like that, would you?

That's kind of like what Liberty is all about. They want to make sure that the government doesn't try to change the rules and take away our freedoms. They believe that everyone should be treated equally and have the right to say what they think, practice their religion or beliefs, and live their lives without someone else controlling them.

So, Liberty talks to the government and tells them to stop doing things that would take away our freedom. They might also try to change some rules to make them more fair for everyone. It's like when you tell a grown-up that something isn't fair and they change the rules to make it better.

In the end, Liberty wants to make sure that everyone is happy and has the freedom to be themselves.