ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Licentiate (degree)

Okay kiddo, a licentiate degree is like a special diploma that someone can get after they have already finished a lot of school. It's kind of like a prize for working really hard and learning a lot about a certain subject.

Think of it like a video game. You complete all the levels and challenges, and then you get a special reward. In this case, the reward is the licentiate degree.

It's usually given to people who have already finished a bachelor's degree (which is like another diploma that says you completed a certain level of education) and want to keep learning even more about a subject.

So, if someone really loves a certain subject and wants to become an expert in it, they might work towards a licentiate degree. It shows that they have put in lots of hard work and are very knowledgeable in that subject.