ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Lidice (film)

"Imagine you are playing a game of make-believe with your friends. In the story, there are people who are not nice to each other and hurt others just because they are different. This is not okay in real life but unfortunately, it happened a long time ago in a faraway country.

Lidice is a movie based on a true story about some people who were living in a small village in Europe during a time called World War II. Some very bad people called the Nazis wanted to punish the people in Lidice just because they didn't like them. They were very mean to the people of the village and did terrible things like hurting and killing them.

The movie is about how the people in Lidice had to come together and be brave to fight against the evil Nazis who wanted to hurt them. The story is about people who were not mean, but they were forced to endure cruelty and violence. But even in the face of evil, the people of Lidice stood up against the Nazis with courage and dignity.

The film shows how important it is to stand up for what is right, even if it's not easy. It reminds us that everyone deserves to be treated with kindness and respect, no matter where they come from or what they look like."