"Life, Animated" is a movie about a boy named Owen who loves Disney movies. Owen has a condition called autism, which makes it hard for him to communicate with others and understand social cues. But he finds comfort and joy in watching his favorite Disney films, and he learns how to recognize emotions and interact with people through the characters on the screen.
The movie shows how Owen's parents use his love for Disney to help him connect with the world around him. They create a storybook for him called "Land of the Lost Sidekicks" that includes characters from his favorite movies and incorporates his own experiences and emotions.
Through this storybook, Owen learns how to express himself and communicate with his family and friends. The movie also shows how other people with autism can find their own ways to connect with the world, and how we can all learn from and support them.
So, to sum it up: "Life, Animated" is a movie about how Disney movies helped a boy with autism learn about emotions and communication, and how we can all find ways to connect with each other.