ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Lifu (Steam car, 1899–1902)

Okay kiddo, let me tell you about a car that was special because it didn't run on gas or electricity, it ran on steam! Imagine a teapot that's big enough for you to sit in and that's what the Lifu car was like.

The Lifu car was built a long long time ago, back in 1899. It was made in France by a man named George Liviu who loved tinkering with machines. He designed the Lifu car and made it run completely on steam.

Now, a steam engine works by heating up water in a big tank called a boiler. The steam that's created from the boiling water is then used to power the engine which makes the car move. It's like blowing into a balloon to make it move, but instead of your breath, it's steam power that's doing the work.

The Lifu car was made with a big boiler that was heated up by burning wood or coal. This created a lot of smoke and was not very good for the environment. The car was also very heavy because of all the equipment needed to make steam power work.

While the Lifu car was very innovative for its time, it wasn't very practical. It was expensive to build and needed a lot of maintenance to keep it running. It only stayed in production for a few years, from 1899 to 1902.

So while the Lifu car was a very interesting invention, it didn't catch on as a popular way to travel because gas and electric engines became more efficient and less costly. But it's still cool to think about a car running on steam instead of gas or electricity, right?