ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Lighting technician

Okay kiddo, let me tell you about lighting technicians! They are people who work behind the scenes to make sure that the lights in a room or on a stage look just right.

You know how sometimes when you're in a room, it's really bright and other times it's dark? Well, lighting technicians are the ones who control how bright or dark it is.

They do this by using special lights and equipment to shine light on certain parts of a room or stage. They also use different colors of lights to create different moods and feelings. For example, if it's a spooky scene, they might use a lot of dark, creepy purple lights.

Lighting technicians also have to be really good at controlling the lights during a performance. They might have to make the lights get brighter or dimmer very quickly, or move them around to highlight different parts of the stage.

So next time you see a play or concert, just remember that there are a bunch of people working really hard behind the scenes to make everything look just right!
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