ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Lille Stesichorus

Lille Stesichorus is a small book that contains poems written by a very old poet named Stesichorus. Think of him like a music artist that makes songs, but instead of singing, he wrote poems that people would read out loud.

Now, the reason people are interested in Lille Stesichorus is because he lived a long, long time ago. So long ago that people didn't have computers or phones back then! It was a time where people would write things down on paper scrolls and keep them safe to read later.

Unfortunately, over time, some of the scrolls that had Stesichorus' poems got damaged or lost. So, when someone found a tiny piece of the scroll with one of his poems on it, they were very excited! This small piece now lives in the Lille Museum in France, and people come from all over the world to see it.

So, Lille Stesichorus is a special book that has a really old poem in it. And even though it's small and hard to read, people think it's important because it helps us learn about what people liked to read long, long ago.