ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Lin Shuangwen rebellion

Okay kiddo, let me explain the Lin Shuangwen Rebellion to you in a way that you can understand.

A long time ago, in Taiwan, there was a man named Lin Shuangwen. He was a farmer, just like your grandparents or great-grandparents. But he didn't like how things were going in his town. The people who were in charge were treating the farmers unfairly, and they were getting poorer and poorer.

One day, Lin Shuangwen decided he had had enough. He got together a group of other farmers, and they decided to rebel against the people in charge. They wanted to make things better for everyone, especially the farmers.

They fought against the people in charge for a while, but unfortunately they didn't win. The leaders in charge were just too strong. Lin Shuangwen and his group of rebels had to flee and hide in the mountains.

But even though they lost the rebellion, people still remember Lin Shuangwen today. He was brave and he stood up for what he believed in. He believed in making things better for everyone, not just the powerful people in charge. And that's why people still talk about him today.

I hope that helps you understand what the Lin Shuangwen Rebellion was all about!