ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Lindström quantifier

The Lindström quantifier is a fancy way of talking about something called "set theory". Set theory is like a game where you try to put things into groups or sets.

For example, I might have a bunch of toys on the floor and I want to put them into groups based on their color. So I might put all the red toys in one group, all the blue toys in another group, and all the green toys in a third group.

But what if I have a toy that is both red and blue? Which group should I put it in? This is where the Lindström quantifier comes in!

The Lindström quantifier helps us talk about how we can "combine" or "join" different groups together. If I have a toy that is both red and blue, I can use the Lindström quantifier to say that it belongs to the group of all toys that are red OR blue.

So now I have three groups: red toys, blue toys, and toys that are red OR blue. And that's the Lindström quantifier in action- it helps us combine different groups together in a smart way!