ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Lingua generalis

Lingua generalis is a special type of language that helps people from different countries and cultures communicate with each other. It's like a super language that can translate words and phrases from any other language into a common language that everyone can understand.

Think of it like playing a game with friends who speak different languages. When you play a game together, you need to be able to understand each other to have fun. But if you all speak different languages, it can be hard to communicate. That's where lingua generalis comes in - it's like a secret code that lets you talk to each other even if you have different native languages.

Lingua generalis isn't a real language like Spanish or French - it's more like a tool that helps people communicate. Scientists and philosophers have been trying to create a lingua generalis for hundreds of years, but no one has been able to make a perfect one yet. But who knows - maybe in the future, we'll all be speaking lingua generalis and be able to communicate with everyone in the world!