ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Link Trainer

The link trainer is like a pretend airplane that pilots can use to practice flying without actually being in a real plane. It looks like a small cockpit with all the controls and instruments that a real plane would have.

The link trainer was first invented a long time ago in the 1920s when airplanes were still new and flying was a big adventure. People realized that pilots needed a way to practice flying without actually risking their lives in a real airplane, so they came up with the link trainer.

Inside the link trainer, there are a lot of buttons, knobs, and switches that the pilot can use to control the airplane. There is a steering wheel-like device called a yoke that the pilot can use to change the direction of the plane. There are also pedals on the floor that the pilot can use to control the plane's brakes and to make it go up or down.

On the panel in front of the pilot, there are many instruments that show important information about the plane's speed, altitude, and direction. There are also radios that can be used to communicate with air traffic controllers or other planes. The pilot can practice using all these instruments and controls to learn how to fly properly.

The link trainer is not like a video game where you can just pretend to fly. When the pilot moves the controls and pushes the buttons, the link trainer moves and shakes just like a real plane would. This helps the pilot feel what it's like to fly and get used to the sensations they might experience in a real airplane.

One important thing about the link trainer is that it doesn't actually fly. It stays on the ground all the time. But that's okay because the purpose of the link trainer is to teach pilots how to control a plane, not to actually fly it in the sky.

Today, we have much more advanced flight simulators that use computers and virtual reality to give pilots a very realistic flying experience. But back when the link trainer was first invented, it was a big step forward in helping pilots learn how to fly safely.