Have you ever played a game where you had to connect two words together like "apple" and "pie"? Well, linkword is a cool tool that helps you connect words together, but not just any words - words that are related to each other!
For example, if I say the word "cat", what other word do you think of? Maybe you thought of "dog" or "mouse" because those things are also related to cats. That's exactly what linkword does - it helps you think of other words that are linked to the word you're thinking about.
This is very helpful when you need to remember something important, like a phone number or a name. If you can link the information you need to remember to something else, like a picture in your mind, you're much more likely to remember it!
So, next time you're trying to remember something and having a hard time, try thinking of a linkword - it might just help you remember!