ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

List MP

Lists are like grocery lists or to-do lists. They are just a bunch of things written down together. When we say list MP, we are talking about something called a voting system.

Imagine you have a big group of friends and you all want to pick a new leader. The way you usually pick is by voting, and the person who gets the most votes wins. List MP is a little bit different because it takes into consideration not only the number of votes each person receives, but also the order in which they are listed on a list, or a group of names.

In list MP, instead of choosing just one leader, the group of people write a list of names in order of their preference. And then, based on the number of votes each person gets and the order they are listed in, the group decides who will be the leader.

For example, let's say there are four people running for leader: Sally, Johnny, Alex, and Michael. The group would make a list of these four names in order of who they'd most like to be the leader. They might list Sally first, then Johnny, then Alex, then Michael.

When the votes are counted, each person gets a certain number of votes based on the number of people who put them in their list and in what order. The person with the most votes becomes the leader.

So, in list MP, it's not just about getting more votes than the next person. It's also about making sure you're high up on people's preference lists. This way, even if you don't get the most votes, you could still be selected as the leader because of where you were placed on people's lists.

Overall, list MP is a way of making sure everyone's voice is heard and taken into account when choosing a leader. It's a fair and democratic way of making important decisions.