ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Livery of seisin

Okay, let's imagine that you have a toy castle that you want to give to your friend, but you need to make sure they know it's now theirs. So, you go to your friend's house and give them a special key that opens the castle. This key is like the "livery of seisin."

"Livery of seisin" is just a fancy way of saying a special ceremony that was used a long time ago to show when someone officially owned land or property. In the ceremony, the person giving the land or property would physically give something to the new owner, like a piece of the land or a key to a castle, to show that it now belonged to them. This physical act of giving something was called "livery of seisin."

Basically, it was a way for people to make sure there was no confusion about who owned what land or property. Just like how you might write your name on a toy so no one else takes it, people used livery of seisin to make sure everyone knew who the rightful owner of something was.
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