ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Load-balanced switch

Ok kiddo, so imagine you have a bunch of toys (that's like computer servers) in a big toy box (that's like a network). You want to play with all of the toys, but you only have two hands (that's like one data cable) to grab them with. That's where a load-balanced switch comes in!

It's like a special pair of robot arms (that's the switch) that can hold both of your hands and grab two toys at once (that's like sending data to different servers at the same time). The robot arms are really good at choosing which toys to grab first (that's the load balancing part), so you can play with all of the toys really fast and not waste time switching between them.

So basically, a load-balanced switch helps you use all of your toys efficiently by using special robot arms to grab two of them at once, and choosing which ones to grab first. It's kind of like having a really smart toy box!