ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Local Land and Property Gazetteer

A local land and property gazetteer is like a big book or database that keeps track of all the places and buildings in a specific area. Think of it like a super helpful map that you can use to find your way around your town or city.

When you want to find a specific place, like the grocery store or your friend's house, you can look it up in the gazetteer and it will tell you where it is located, what it looks like, and other important information about it. This is really helpful because it saves you from having to ask a bunch of people for directions or getting lost trying to find your way.

The people who make and update the gazetteer are like detectives who go around and gather information about different places. They might take pictures of buildings, talk to people who live or work there, or look up information in old maps or records. Then they put all that information into the gazetteer so that it is easy to access and use.

Overall, the local land and property gazetteer is like your go-to helper when you need to find your way around your town or city. It has all the information you need to get where you want to go, without any of the unnecessary extra details.