ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Local area network

A local area network, or LAN for short, is like having a big playroom where you and your friends can play games or do activities together.

Think of each friend as a computer or device like a tablet or phone. These devices can talk to each other and share things like toys, coloring books, or snacks.

In a LAN, computers talk to each other through something called a network cable or Wi-Fi connection. Similar to how you and your friends talk to each other through your voices.

The LAN can also have a special computer called a server that helps organize everything and make sure everyone has what they need. The server is like the grown-up hosting a party and making sure everyone is having a good time.

With a LAN, people can do things like play games together, share pictures, and even work on projects together. Just like you and your friends sharing toys and coloring pages.

Overall, a LAN is a way for computers and devices to talk to each other and share things, just like you and your friends sharing toys and games in a playroom.