ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Logic simulation

Logic simulation is like playing a pretend game with toys. You have different toys that do different things, like a toy car that moves forward or a toy airplane that can turn. Logic simulation is like pretending to play with toys that can do math problems and logic puzzles.

When people make computer chips and other electronic parts, they use something called "logic gates." These are like tiny toys that can do really simple things, like change a number from a 0 to a 1 or figure out if two numbers are the same.

Logic simulation is like using a computer program to pretend to play with these logic gates. You tell the computer which logic gates you want to use and what you want them to do, and the computer pretends to use those logic gates like toys.

The computer can pretend to do really complicated things with these logic gates, like figure out what happens if you give it a number and ask it to do a bunch of math and logic problems with that number. This lets people test out new computer chips and other electronic parts to make sure they do what they're supposed to do before they actually make them in real life.
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