ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Logos (Christianity)

Logos in Christianity is a special word that is used to describe the idea of Jesus Christ. It comes from the Greek word "logos," which means "word" or "message." In the Bible, the Gospel of John says that Jesus is the Word made flesh, which means that he is the embodiment of the divine message that God has for humanity.

Think of it like a messenger delivering a message from a king or queen. The messenger is the embodiment of the message because they are the ones bringing it to the people. In the same way, Jesus is the embodiment of God's message because he brings it to people and shows them what it means.

Christians use the concept of logos to understand the nature of God and the role of Jesus in their faith. They believe that Jesus is both fully human and fully divine, which means he understands human experiences but also has the power to save them from sin.

So, when someone talks about logos in Christianity, they are referring to the message of Christ and what it means for believers. It's a central part of the Christian faith and helps people understand Jesus' role as a savior and messenger from God.