Lohengrin is an opera written by a composer named Richard Wagner. In this story, there is a knight named Lohengrin who comes to a city and helps the people there. This city is ruled by a woman named Elsa who has been accused of doing something very bad. Lohengrin decides to help Elsa and tells her that he will fight for her in a big battle.
But there's something special about Lohengrin - he has magical powers and comes from a mysterious place called the "Holy Grail." This is a special cup that is said to have magical powers and is associated with Jesus. Lohengrin is actually the son of the King who guards the Holy Grail, but he has been sent away to help people in need.
Elsa falls in love with Lohengrin and they get married. But there's a catch - Lohengrin tells her that she must never ask him where he comes from or what his name is. If she asks, he will have to leave her forever. Unfortunately, Elsa's curiosity gets the best of her and she eventually asks Lohengrin his name. This breaks their love and Lohengrin has to leave.
In the end, Lohengrin defeats the bad guys and saves the day, but he can't stay with Elsa. The story shows how curiosity and the desire for knowledge can sometimes be dangerous and can even destroy love.