Longevity peach is a special mythical fruit that is believed to give people very long lives if they eat it. Imagine that you have a magic fruit that can help you live for a very long time, like a really, really long time. That's how special the longevity peach is!
In some stories, the longevity peach is made by a wise old man who knows how to create magical things. He uses his skills to make a peach that can give someone a really long life. The peach can sometimes be as big as a house, and it looks really tasty and juicy. But you can't just pick it off a tree. You need to be invited to a special party where everyone gets to share the peach.
In other stories, the longevity peach is guarded by a powerful creature like a dragon or a giant. Only the bravest and most daring heroes can face the challenges and get to the peach to be able to share its power.
Either way, the idea is that if you eat the fruit, you will live a really, really long time. You might even live forever if you're lucky! But even though it's just a story, it reminds us that many people have valued the idea of living a long, healthy life for a very long time.