ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Looney Labs

Looney Labs is a company that makes really cool and fun games for people to play. They have lots of different games, like card games and board games, that are all full of fun and excitement!

You know those little cartoons called Looney Tunes? Looney Labs is kind of like that! They take all sorts of silly and wacky characters and put them in games that you can play with your friends and family.

One of their well-known games is called Fluxx! It's a card game where the rules keep changing as you play. Sometimes you have to collect different things, and other times you have to get rid of certain cards. The game is always different and always keeps you on your toes!

Another favorite game from Looney Labs is called Chrononauts. In this game, you get to travel back in time and change things that happened in history. You might go back and make sure that your favorite sports team wins, or stop a big disaster from happening!

Overall, Looney Labs is a really fun and creative company that loves making games that make people happy. They have lots of different games to choose from, so there's something for everyone to enjoy!