ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Loruhamah is a name mentioned in the Bible. It means "not loved" or "without mercy" in Hebrew. Basically, it's like being called a sad name that means nobody cares about you or shows you kindness.

In the Bible, Loruhamah was the name given to a daughter of a prophet named Hosea. Hosea was married to a woman named Gomer who was not faithful to him. Even though she had children with Hosea, Gomer left him and went after other men. Hosea was heartbroken, but he still loved his wife and wanted her to come back to him.

God told Hosea to name his daughter Loruhamah as a way of showing that God was not pleased with the behavior of the Israelites. They had disobeyed God and turned away from him. They were not showing love and mercy to others, so they themselves were not being shown love and mercy.

Loruhamah's sad name was a reminder that the Israelites needed to turn back to God and start treating each other with kindness and love.