ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Lost in Transit

Imagine you're playing a game of tag with your friend, but instead of tagging them directly, you have to throw a ball to them. Sometimes, when you throw the ball, it doesn't quite make it to your friend because it gets lost in between where you threw it from and where they're supposed to catch it. That's kind of like what happens when something is "lost in transit."

When we say "transit," we mean the journey something takes when it's being moved from one place to another. So if you're sending something in the mail, for example, it's in transit when it's moving from your mailbox to its final destination (like someone's house or a store).

Sometimes, things can get lost when they're in transit. Maybe the package fell off a truck, or the address label got messed up and the post office can't figure out where it's supposed to go. Just like how the ball you threw might get stuck in a tree or bounce somewhere you can't see.

When something is "lost in transit," it means that people don't know where it is or what happened to it. So if you're waiting for a package to arrive and it's been a long time and you haven't gotten it yet, it might be because it's lost in transit. But don't worry, people are usually working hard to try and find it so it can get to where it's supposed to go!